

The World Trade Expo Georgia will be grandly opened from September 21st to 23rd, 2024. We expect to attract over 450 companies (including no less than 100 Chinese companies) and plan to attract over 12000 professional buyers and visitors. Expand the market share of Chinese products in the local market and help Chinese companies better establish a foothold in the Georgian market!




Market Introduction

Georgia covers an area of 69700 square kilometers, mainly using Georgian (86.8%), and the official language is Georgian. It mainly believes in Eastern Orthodoxy, and its capital is Tbilisi.



The population is 3.7 million, the market is highly open, foreign exchange is open, and infrastructure urgently needs improvement. More than 95% of goods need to be imported, excluding manufacturing, industry, food, building materials, clothing, shoes and hats, toys, household appliances, mobile phones, motorcycles, luggage, hardware tools, kitchen and bathroom, lighting, computer products, and consumer goods. Onions, ginger and garlic are imported from China, and they also have trade radiation effects (Türkiye, Armenia, Russia).



The Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Georgia came into effect on January 1, 2018. After the agreement came into effect, the company immediately implemented zero tariffs on 96.5% of Chinese products in terms of goods trade, accounting for 99.6% of the total imports from China; China imposes zero tariffs on 93.9% of its products, accounting for China’s total imports. 93.8% and 90.9% of products (accounting for 42.7% of imports) will immediately implement zero tariffs, while the remaining 3% of products (approximately 51.1% of imports) will gradually be reduced to zero tariffs within 5 years. In terms of service trade, both sides have further opened their markets to each other based on their respective commitments to join the World Trade Organization. In addition, both sides have reached broad consensus in various fields such as environment and trade, competition, intellectual property, investment, and e-commerce.




The China Georgia Free Trade Agreement is the first free trade agreement signed between China and Eurasian countries. This is also the first free trade agreement launched and reached by China after the “the Belt and Road” initiative. The implementation of the agreement is to implement the specific measures of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on “promoting the construction of free trade zones and promoting the construction of an open world economy”. This is of great significance for promoting the strategy of free trade zone and implementing the “the Belt and Road” initiative.



According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of Georgia, from January to February 2023, the volume of extraordinary trade reached 2.89 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 12.3%. Russia (US $467 million), Türkiye (US $387 million) and China (US $246 million) are the top three trade partners of Georgia. The export value of Georgia reached 910 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 20.3%. The top three export destination countries in Georgia are Armenia ($130 million), Russia ($130 million), and China ($110 million). The most exported products of Ge are automobiles ($240 million), copper ore and its concentrates ($140 million), and ferroalloys ($71.7 million). The import volume of Georgia reached 1.98 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 20.3%. The top three import sources are Russia (US $340 million), Türkiye (US $320 million) and China (US $130 million). The most imported products are automobiles (210 million US dollars), natural gas (180 million US dollars), and oil (160 million US dollars).